Known Limitations of Windows 10 Runtime API for Bluetooth Low Energy: user payload that can be used for the active connection Perform in-App unbonding / unpairing of a connected device during disconnect.used in peripheral only mode) and "bonding + just works" security method using the proteus default key. Perform in-App bonding + pairing during a connection according to Proteus "bonding + static passkey" (e.g.Exchange data with a Proteus device using the Proteus's integrated charactersitics for data exchange (RX and TX charactersitic).Enable notifications in case of a connection (required for communication direction from Proteus to this App).Scan for devices, including filters (UUID, RSSI) and listing of scan results.This App SDK implements the required methods to:

This App is no "driver" for supporting a Bluetooth Classic like SPP profile to COM port! It is a DEMO application showing the use of proteus modules with their RX and TX profiles for generic data communication with Microsoft Windows 10. The Demo uses C# and WPF in combination with. It deliberately chooses not to use any 3rd party software that is not available for free to the public, even if it is known that Windows runtime functions does only provide rudimenary functionality.

This demo programm (App SDK) uses integrated Windows 10 runtime functions to access, connect and exchange data with Proteus radio modules.